Gospel Support and Homes Trust

Gospel Support & Homes Trust Limited (GSHT) (previously called Great St Helen’s Trust), is a successor charitable company to the original Great St Helen’s Trust set up in 1969 to support Christian ministry in the City of London. Since 2001 GSHT was registered as a charity for “the advancement of the Christian Gospel and in particular (but not exclusively) to equip Christian men and women to preach and teach the gospel of Jesus Christ as set forth in scripture”.

The GSHT trustees have sought to carry out the charity’s objects by doing what they can to encourage Biblically faithful gospel ministry across London. GSHT has primarily done this by providing homes for Christian ministers and church workers for several London churches, as well as financial support through grants and loans to various churches and Christian organisations.

GSHT has supported Biblically faithful churches and organisations irrespective of the denomination to which they belong. Indeed many donors to GSHT choose to support it because it is not part of the Church of England but distinct and separate from it. GSHT has supported both Church of England parish churches and new churches unaffiliated to any denomination when started. GSHT has never donated to a Church of England organisation nor diocese.

GSHT has sought to support or pump prime gospel ministries and in the past has even employed gospel workers directly. In response to ministry needs GSHT has purchased or rented (short-term and long-term) properties to house church workers, provide meeting spaces, and also provide ministry office space. One project currently underway is the anticipated conversion of a building in Wellclose Square, E1 which is intended to provide residential accommodation for use by church workers who would otherwise be unable to live close to ministries in central London.

Some of the churches and Christian organisations which GSHT has supported include:

  • Asha
  • Christian Conventions
  • Crossway Stratford
  • Euston Church
  • Fleet St Talks
  • The Proclamation Trust
  • St Helen’s Bishopsgate
  • St Nick’s Cole Abbey
  • St Peter’s Canary Wharf
  • Trinity Church Islington

As at March 2023 we provide housing for 26 Christian workers and their families, who otherwise would not be able to live near their gospel ministry. This is achieved through eight fully or part-owned properties and seven rented properties. We also provide office space for 26 Christian workers in the heart of the City of London.

The GSHT trustees are:

  • Andrew Neden
  • Brian O’Donoghue
  • Melanie Beckham
  • Charles Elgood
  • Juliet Maggs
  • Emma Weil

GSHT is managed on a day-to-day basis by David Rosser (property) and Karen Moody (finance).


If you would like to partner with us financially, the best way to give is via standing order or one-off bank transfer.

Our details are:

Gospel Support and Homes Trust Limited, 114 Queen Victoria Street, London EC4V 4BJ

For bank details and, where appropriate, to submit a Gift Aid declaration form please email Karen Moody at [email protected]